Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Visual Arts & Poetry

What do you think leaves a stronger impact on a viewer: a poem or a painting? Defend your answer. Compare and contrast the visual arts with the written word. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each medium?


  1. Paintings and poems are very different but similar disciplines. Each individual is entitled to their own favor. It would depend on a persons personality what influences them more, paintings or poems? Each has an advantage. Poems can describe in detail a story, but they lack a physical image. Painting have a physical image but they lack a deeper personality.

  2. A stronger impact will leave a painting, reason being, the image gets photographed in your mind, certain things of the painting stay in your memory making you remember the painting and what it is about. A painting can also have a lot of meanings to eat, not only what the painter painted but what you feel when you are seeing it.

    The disadvantage of a written poem is that you have to write the emotion in a length that you want the reader to understand it the way you want them to. The advantage is words can never end!

    The disadvantage of painting is that they are many meaning to what you see, what you wanted the viewer to see may not be the same as what you see. The advantage is that a painting can have so many meanings!

  3. A painting deffinatley leaves a stronger impact on one person, because a person may stare at that painting and it could be stuck in their head by trying to figure out what they are analyzing. Reading something and trying to understand it doesnt play as much of a part as looking at a painting and trying to understand it. The advantages to a written poem could be more description in words, and more imagery. The advantages for trying to understand a painting could be more observations, more descriptions and more meaning. The disadvantages for both would be that the viewer did not get the meaning of the poem or the painting.

  4. I feel poetry and painting are very different. In a combine effort (a poem about a painting), the poem can bring the painting to life in a way people may not have viewed it before. Personally, poetry leaves a stronger impact on me, mainly because I find writing more interesting than paintings just because I enjoy writing. It really depends on preference.

  5. I think that the images would be more effective and leave a stronger impact on the reader. This can be viewed in both ways because sometimes you would see many images and you do not know what it is about until you read what it is about. I think they both play and important role but the image would have more effect

  6. I feel that poetry and paintings can both affect a person in a strong way. Some people can relate better to words than to a painting. When you think about it though, a poem is exactly like a painting. The difference is that the words of the poem are painting an image in your mind and giving you your own personalized image. When you are looking at a painting, the image of the Painter is just like that of the speaker of a Poem except instead of being able to create your own image, one is presented before you. I personally feel that Poems are stronger because of the way they can make you conjure up your own image instead of being shown the painters vision.

  7. I think that it is subjective in the sense that some people are more inclined to be visually stimulated as opposed to being stimulated by written word. I think it varies and has a lot to do with the extremes of each. If a poem or written work is such that the majority can identify with it, it would seem more effective no matter what medium it was. But since the degree to which our experiences align perfectly is both minimal and exponential, we each have our own way of representing a certain feeling that we can identify with, empathize with, etc. I feel that both may be equally hard to interpret but it really depends on the individual.
