Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Writing in Character

What do you think are the characteristics of a well-written character? Choose one of the persona poems from this week and explain what makes this character portrait effective.


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  4. Well written characters express a certain emotion... either their own feeling or something intentional to evoke emotion out of the reader.Something that tell us about the character, imagery and thoughtful sentences.

    "Jorge the Church Janitor Finally Quits" by Martin Espada was very effective with regards to the character portrait. I felt that some background on what the character does and how he interprets it was very engaging. I loved the imagery of how the character turned bathroom cleaning into a "fiesta." I also really enjoyed the following sentences, " The Spanish music of my name/is lost/when the guests complain/about toilet paper" and " They will call it jorge." I thought these were very creative and thoughtful.

  5. I feel some good characteristics of a well-written character are the way the character is created and how they can be put into various situations and fit perfectly for example with Langston Hughes "Madam." there are several different poems in which she is the main character in different situations and she fits perfectly such as in the poem "Madam and the Rent Man" she is arguing with the man about her paying the rent and also "Madam and Her Madam" where she is having a discussion with her maid

  6. I think the characteristics of a well-written character showed a raw emotion that is not seen in a third person story. Langston Hughes "Madam" series shows a hard working black women. And this is obvious because of his description of her to the audience.

  7. I think a well written character needs to be one who is feared. I could relate very much to Patricia Smith's "Medusa." I can relate very much to Medusa because it seems that while she appears evil on the outside, she is also heavily suffering on the inside as well. Medusa is feared for having snakes for hair and turning people to stone at first glance. Some fail to understand that maybe because characters like Medusa are feared is because they are different and end up being an outcast. Personally, I do not fear Medusa and fully believe that if she had friends and someone worth caring about that maybe she wouldn't be so cold and bitter towards humans and the gods. Was it her fault that she was created that way? None of us have a choice in that matter. I feel that characters who are isolated and hated by all prove to be great subjects when developing characters because they may seem normal or gruesome on the outside, but you really never know until you delve deeper into their mind and experience the same things that they have. Is it Medusa's fault that she turned out this way, or is it Humanity's fault? There are so many questions and possible answers when examining a subject such as "Creating a Character."

  8. A well rounded character can be viewed by their emotions, their physical attributes, their personality and how they react in situations. Langston Hughes "Madam" illustrates an example of a well rounded person in my opinion. The fact that she is hard working proud and just a person who speaks her mind. I specifically liked how she handled herself with the Rent man, sometimes all they want to do is collect money but dont want to do what they are supposed to do. This character can be related to audience because I certainly can related to Madam
